Monday, November 5, 2012

The Case for Obama: A Vision to Move America Forward vs. Duplicitous Elitism

The 2012 Presidential election, simply put, is about vision. That is, which vision, President Obama’s, or Mr. Romney’s, will best move this country forward. In my opinion, it is the contrast of hope, optimism, growth and inclusion for all, of President Obama, versus the duplicity, flip flopping (read, lying) and indifference, if not outright hostility to half this country’s populous, of Mr. Romney. As President Obama stated when he closed the second Presidential debate “when he [Mitt] thought nobody was listening he said what he really felt--47% of the American people don't matter because all they want is a government hand out”. For Mr. Romney to now come back and say he cares about all Americans because he wants their vote is just disingenuous. Therefore, when given this choice in vision, I choose, and believe America should choose President Obama for a second term. For me, that President Obama should be the man to lead us forward for another four years was decided long ago. The progress he has made in his first four years is laudable in the absolute sense. Taken in context, and viewed relatively, the progress he has made is remarkable. In inheriting an economy on the brink of another Great Depression, and in four short years returning us to an economy of growth should be applauded. Moreover, despite constant attacks from the radical right, and a Congress that has tried to impede his every move, he has continued to govern as the President for all. The bible tells us that “without a vision the people will perish”. To better determine the right vision for America let us flesh out in a bit more detail, the above referenced visions: Romney: • More tax cuts for the rich • A land with less diversity under more strict immigration and affirmative action laws • Fewer social services for those who most need it including the elderly • A repeal of Universal health care and corresponding denial of access to millions of Americas who desperately need preventative and ongoing healthcare • Less choice for women in what to do with their bodies and laws that tell us who to love and how we can love them • Promises of economic growth and tax reform with no specifics stated • A vision where 47% of the citizens in this country don’t matter This does not sound like a compelling vision to me. How about President Obama? Obama: • Inclusion. 100% of Americans matter • A land where women’s rights are protected; where people are free to love who they want • Healthcare for all Americans as the President demonstrated with the passage of Universal Healthcare • Job growth and a strong economy. The President and his team have (i) saved us from a second Great Depression by putting in place a stimulus package, that among other things, saved the auto and banking industries and (ii) stopped the job losses that where occurring under Bush, and is now adding more than 100k jobs a month • A tax system where the rich pay their fare share and where a healthy middle class can exist; not a system where a millionaire like Romney pays 14% and our teachers, policemen and bus drivers pay 30-40% The contrast between these two visions could not be clearer. In Mr. Romney’s America, the middle class will further dissipate as the “haves” will continue, unchecked, to hold down the “have nots”. The tyranny of the majority will be law of the land. Finally, given how often Mr. Romney’s positions seem to change, there is no telling what further untold dangers await the American people if his vision is the one we follow. On the other hand, President Obama’s vision is about hope, optimism and rebuilding. While we, and he, must acknowledge that more hard work lies ahead, in President Obama’s America, there is an opportunity for us all to prosper. Given the President’s track record, his well defined vision that moves all of America forward, I believe he has stated the case for another four years, and a chance to finish the job he started. I believe we must cast our vote with President Barack Obama in this election.

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